3 Dec 2024
Reinstatement works
At last, the unsightly “temporary” reinstatement at the junction of Walkergate and Butcher Row has been removed and on 5 November paving was installed to “almost” match the original. To be fair this was a great improvement compared to the “temporary” black tarmac left by Yorkshire Water’s
contractor. The photograph below (1) was taken in January 2023, some nineteen months ago. Streetworks legislation states that reinstatement to match existing paving should be completed in six months! Should not offending organisations be fined? The Society asked ERYC to contact Yorkshire Water about this excessive delay and maybe our voice was heard? Thank you, ERYC.
The photograph below (2) shows the recently completed reinstatement on 5 November.
However, the next image (3) shows the activity on 9 November when Northern Gas Networks had to expose the gas pipes close to the recently restored area. Surprisingly this excavation was properly restored on 12 November, which goes to show that these excavations and subsequent reinstatement can be well synchronised. We’d like to see more reinstatements properly completed within this timescale.
Whilst we might celebrate this small victory, there is more work to be done in the pedestrianised area, which will cause significant disruption. ERYC has told us that in January 2025 Northern Gas Networks (NGN) will be carrying out gas replacement works along Saturday Market, through to Butcher Row. The replacement scheme is expected to take approximately 12 weeks to complete, and will be carried out in four stages:
Saturday Market: 2 weeks
Toll Gavel: 4 weeks
Butcher Row: 3 weeks
Walkergate: 3 weeks
NGN will be excavating along the pedestrianised areas, they will initially reinstate the affected sections with a temporary tarmac, and intend to return at a later date, probably April or May, to fully restore the area to its original condition. The temporary black tarmac reinstatement will not be aesthetically
pleasing along the length of Toll Gavel and Butcher Row, but NGN claim it necessary to allow the works to progress swiftly. The Society will continue to monitor the progress of this disruptive scheme to replace old iron gas pipes
with polyethylene, which is part of a nationwide scheme to replace iron gas pipes which are close to property.